Birth of 3 Iberian Lynxes raises hope for species
The world's most endangered feline has just added three to it's number. Thank God. (Brought to you by...
Seal Hunt Approved In Canada
Canada has given the go-ahead for what is expected to be one of the biggest seal hunts in...
Wild Cat In Suburbia
A man in London was attacked in his back garden by a big cat presumed to be a...
Stop the Canadian Harp Seal Hunt
"Off Canada's east coast, harp seals are giving birth to their offspring. But their future may be short-lived,...
Satan Is A Turtle
A Turtle which survived a fire in an Indiana petshop has transmogrified into Beelzebub.... (Brought to you by...
Tiger Bites Back
It's rare to escape a tiger attack unscathed. But a hidden camera set up in the Indonesian jungle...
Man Shot By Cat
A Michigan man was shot in his kitchen by his cat .... (Brought to you by Zeitgiest -...
Dog’s false lead in murder case
Detectives Dog Small Dog. Shih Tzu Appears in Court As Witness, (Brought to you by Zeitgiest - the...
Subterranean Hamster Blues
Off on holiday and don't know what to do with your wee furry friend? Worry no more. A...
Necrophiliac Ducks
The strange case of the homosexual necrophiliac duck pushed out the boundaries of knowledge in a rather improbable...