Professor John Braine’s Great Sugar Experiment
Here, at Blather HQ, we have dedicated ourselves to scouring the wastes of the web, the jizz-troughs of...
Charles Darwin movie not to be shown in U.S.A.
(Image by Kevin Dooley, used under a Creative Commons License) This is the trailer for the forthcoming Icon...
Trinity College offers TRUE randomness
Since 1998? I didn't know about this!! 'Perhaps you have wondered how predictable machines like computers can generate...
Steorn Get Stomped
Steorn? Remember them? The Irish energy company that said it had found a way to violate the laws...
DMT: The Spirit Molecule
An extract from the upcoming (and fascinating looking) documentary on DMT - 'The Spirit Molecule'. This is an...
As thick as a brick. As clear as mud. New precision archaeological dating technique
A new archaeological dating technique has just been unveiled that (all depending on it standing further scrutiny) has...
The State of Journalism: ‘Misguided becomes truly evil’
Oh, oh, oh. Just when you thought journalists were merely incompetent and stupid, or just spineless cowards caving...
Powers of 10
Crackin' Physics Gromit. A comment on YouTube says that the voice is that of 'Dr. Philip Morrison, physicist...
Albert Hofmann has fallen off his bicycle, aged 102!
Who said hallucinogenic drugs are bad for you? Abbie Hofman, the Swiss scientist who inadvertently launched millions of...
Rupert Sheldrake Stabbed in Sante Fe
Reports from Strange Attractor's Further blog on a near-fatal attack on a behavioural scientist Rupert Sheldrake while lecturing...