WikiLeaks: Through the Cat’s Mirror

Discrepancies, discrepancies. ‘A Cat’s Mirror of Wikileaks Cablegate site‘ carries the latest update of the embassy cables from the WikiLeaks ‘cablegate’ page but also:
– ’13 cables…which were deleted from wikileaks cablegate site’
– ‘…at least 11 cables… in a more free version (as they were previously disclosed) while they are now presented (a little little little little little little little bit) (or more) censored on the… Cablegate website’
– ‘138 cables… disclosed by Lebanese Al-Akhbar paper, but were not yet put into Wikileaks releases’
– ’33 cables… which were disclosed by the British Guardian paper, but not yet included into the Wikileaks releases’
The Cat’s Mirror site offers evidence of redactions/censoring of cables by WikiLeaks after they had already been released. The Cat’s Mirror keeps a log of changes and differences.

Cable 09KABUL2246, 9 August 2009. An excerpt from paragraph 5.
The version from both the file named cablegate-201012161015 downloaded from WikiLeaks site 16 December 2010 and as it appears on the web on
‘…President Karzai tampered with the narcotics case of Haji Amanullah, whose father is a wealthy businessman and one of his supporters. Without any constitutional authority, Karzai ordered the police to conduct a second investigation which resulted in the
conclusion that the defendant had been framed. XXXXXXXXXXXXX told
XXXXXXXXXXXX he was ashamed,, of the president for his interference in this case…’
The version from A Cat’s Mirror site:
‘…President Karzai tampered with the narcotics case of Haji Amanullah, whose father is a wealthy businessman and one of his supporters. Without any constitutional authority, Karzai ordered the police to conduct a second investigation which resulted in the
conclusion that the defendant had been framed. Daudzai told DAMB he was ashamed,, of the president for his interference in this case…’
So – who told who now?

Barry Kavanagh writes fiction, and has made music, formerly with Dacianos.

Contact him here.