With all this stuff about Whales on the Thames, Scott Wood posted this to the Forteana mailing list:
The Guardian: Friday February 20, 2004
As if the denizens of London did not already have enough to worry about trying to safely navigate muggers, backpackers and street performers, they now face a new threat: piranhas falling from the skies.
It may be a discomforting thought, but earlier this week a seagull flew over London carrying one of the razor-toothed fish in its beak, which it then proceeded to drop onto the deck of a boat on the Thames.
It is thought a seagull scooped the fish out of the Thames, where it may have been dumped by someone who owned it as a pet. The cold water would probably have killed it before the intervention of the seagull.
The fish, one of a species which has been known to attack humans, was fresh and had only just died. Marks from a seagull’s beak were still on its back.
The Guardian: Nip in the air as piranha drops in