An amazing piece of motion graphic work directed by Ugly Pictures and animated by Man vs Magnet.
Battle of LP Covers is an ultra-violent, semi-pornographic tour through some of the most famous album covers of music history.
Watch it here. You’ve been warned.
(via k10k)
Sue Walsh was partly brought up by cats in her native Wexford, where along with her brother, she scoured the river for junk. At the age of three her mother caught her carrying kittens in her mouth. She lived in the woods for a while, then the lure of the stage was too much, and she ran away with a theatre company. This enabled her to keep her multiple personalities happy, and so she is continuing to act whenever the opportunity arises. When not on stage or the silver screen, Sue can be found scribbling away and conducting séances. She is still scouring the river, hoping to find treasure in amongst the junk, just like
Suzanne in the song...
that is superb!