‘The Dinosaur Game’ by Rebekka

bek.jpg‘I used the sound from a video of my boys when they were 4 and 6, where they were lost in some imaginary game where the older one (i made him with red hair) was pretending to be a dinosaur (velociraptor to be exact.. they’d recently watched jurassic park at the time) and the younger one (with blond hair) takes him to the vet.. however, the discussion is a bit nonsensical at times, and i took the liberty to move freely between “real life” (the bedroom set) and visually depicting the imaginary scenes, (substituting a toy dinosaur for the older boy, and made the vet as well), and in some scenes merging both reality and imagination… (for instance by including the dinosaur in the bedroom scene near the end, and in another scene having the dinosaur walk past the door and peek in)’

*Watch it*

More from Rebekka

Damien DeBarra was born in the late 20th century and grew up in Dublin, Ireland. He now lives in London, England where he shares a house with four laptops, three bikes and a large collection of chairs.


  1. Jesus Christ.. I’ll never quite understand what’s wrong with Icelandic people. This is a fucking scary animation… and not in a good way. I don’t like it at all and I think I’m going to hide under my blanket now for the rest of this year.

  2. seeing as i showed this to all the kids in my family, who all loved it and thought it was adorable (as do i, even tho im biased, being the creater) and the fact that my teacher absolutely LOVED it, in all ways, hearing that someone finds it “fucking scary” makes me realize i’ll never understand what’s wrong with americans..
    i suppose wallace and gromit scared the bejesus out of suzanne as well…

  3. rebekka,
    i’m pretty sure she meant that as a joke. if you take a look at suzanne’s site, you’ll see what i mean…

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