From our blog on the Esperanza:
The beauty of bearing witness – one of Greenpeace’s core principles – is that you can provide window onto the reality of what is right in front of you. In the last week, the difference between what we see and hear, here in the Ross Sea, where the Nisshin Maru whaling ship is stranded, and what we are “told” from land could not have been more stark.
Yesterday, Sakyo spoke to the fleet’s expedition leader via radio, and asked him if the fleet were starting whaling again, that he’d heard this in the media. The reply was that there was still a lot of work to be done on the ship. They have managed to start the main engine, but the winch is broken down – due to oil pressure trouble, and the factory deck of the ship is taken apart. They have told us that they want to get across the line of 60 degrees south, and head north to Japan as soon as possible.
So where did we get that information from that came as such a surprise to the whalers? From an interview done by their own spin doctor – PR man for the Institute of Cetacean Research, New Zealander Glenn Inwood, who just hours earlier had put out a statement saying that the fleet is about start whaling again.
For more about about what Glenn Inwood’s been saying, read
Sorry Mr. Inwood, could you say that again?»
Behind the spin: bearing witness in the Southern Ocean »
If you feel telling Glenn Inwood how you feel about his PR work for the Japanese whalers his email address is This guy is a nasty piece of work