Mystery lights over Phoenix get folks all spooked


People are looking for an explanation for mysterious red lights that appeared in the north Phoenix sky Monday night, reminiscent of a similar event 11 years ago.
Dozens of listeners called News/Talk 92-3 KTAR just after 8 p.m. reporting they were watching the four mystery lights.
“From my position, it looked like they were just hanging, not moving at all,” said one man, who called 92-3’s “Gaydos After Dark.” He said he “absolutely” saw something.
A woman caller said, “It looked like four red tower lights, but it was pretty high up in the air. I called my husband and he said, `Get home, what’s wrong with you?'”
A man in north Phoenix told CBS-5: “They were about 3,000 feet high, approximately. They looked as though they were kind of hovering or floating from west to east, very slowly. They were up there for 15 or 20 minutes.”

Via the Drudge Report
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Damien DeBarra was born in the late 20th century and grew up in Dublin, Ireland. He now lives in London, England where he shares a house with four laptops, three bikes and a large collection of chairs.

1 comment

  1. Has anyone ever heard of the Zeta Reticuli Exchange Program? Or how Close encounters of The Third Kind is almost a mirror of the incident? Next arrival date, november 2009.

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