Year: 2009
‘…a type of hell…’
'As an Afghan woman who was elected to Parliament, I am in the United States to ask President...
Kat Penny Dramarama (updated)
Jane Ruffino posted this on Facebook and it is so great to watch I basically commented, 'right I...
War and the Noble Savage
A fascinating new book from blatherbot Gyrus. I attended his talk on this a few weeks back and...
Hardy Bucks: As sick as a plane to Lourdes
While I was summering in high latitudes, the whole country was apparently up in arms over Hardy Bucks,...
Wilfred – the Pot Smoking Dog
This is one of the most wonderfully twisted things I've seen in a while. Wilfred is an Australian...
Bringing Cannabis to Hempstown
From the RTE website on November 3rd: Cannabis with a potential street value of €1 million was seized...
Karzai’s Smack-dealing Brother Works for…
Hamid Karzai, 'president' of occupied Afghanistan, well-loved for legalizing rape and record-breaking election fraud, has a brother called...
IT at the CIA
'Microsoft, Oracle, Apple, Amazon, Twitter, Cisco, RIM--have nothing to fear from the creative brain trusts in the Federal...
This music video makes me feel like I am dreaming. Same for you?
'Violet span of welded flesh' - In 1983, The Fall made a video for the song 'Wings', the...
Barah Pal: Photos from India
A photo collection by Jennifer Rosen, taken whilst filming a enthnographic documentary in Delhi and Rajasthan, Summer 2009....