The Power of LIES
'Seven in 10 Americans believe that Iran currently has nuclear weapons, according to a new national poll' says...
Self-portrait With Motorcycle
Self-portrait With Motorcycle Originally uploaded by Dave Walsh Photography This is the last known image of the artist...
Man with tortoise, Kamakura
Man with tortoise, Kamakura Originally uploaded by blather Man with tortoise, Kamakura, near Tokyo Japan. This fellow appear...
Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
Glorious. The great man finally gets what looks to be a worthy movie made about him.
9-year-old Girl Finds Her Twin – In Her Stomach
Yikes! From apcnews: ATHENS, Greece (AP) - A 9-year-old girl who went to hospital in central Greece suffering...
Jesse Ventura on the USA Elections
Former Navy Seal, Mayor of Brooklyn Park, Governor of Minnesota, professional wrestler, sometime bodyguard for the Rolling Stones...
Mole Man William Lyttle in financial hole
An Irishman who dug a labyrinth of tunnels under his London home is in a financial hole after...
Wikipedia refuses to censor medieval images
"Wikipedia, the free online encyclopaedia, is refusing to remove medieval artistic depictions of the Prophet Muhammad, despite being...
February 10th: We Will Be Heard
Found at Foolish People: News.com: Anonymous hackers take on the Church of Scientology Anonymous Speaks