Month: February 2000

TEMPIS FUGIT Time does fly - yet another chasm gapes between the previous issue and this one. Its been a quiet couple of months, with very little in the way of Irish paranormal tales coming our way - but we've not been not been idle (the devil found work for us). On the Blather website can be found a fledgling, or worse still, skeleton bookstore, where we hope to start reviewing and recommending books. Tempus Fugit - The Headitorial Out of the Marvellous - Seamus Heaney, and Ancient Irish UFOs No Such Place - Lord Dunsany, falling fish, and no such Ireland Yeats and the Black Arts - Black Masses in Dublin? TPC Meta Holistic Systems - The Ongoing Saga Before we attempt to escape the subject of 'time', a small padded parcel arrived last month, and it bore a postmark of January 3rd in Smithtown, New York, USA. Inside...