Weird shite for sale on Ebay
As posted by Dr Bob to
Somebody is trying to sell a ‘ghost in a jar’ on Ebay. Weird:
I don’t have enough space here to tell the complete story behind this, so I will briefly go over it. Back in the early 1980’s, while out metal detecting, I came across and old abandoned cemetery with the foundation of a homesite or Church or something nearby. While searching around the foundation, my detector indicated there was something in the ground close by the southwest corner of the foundation. After digging down about 2 feet my shovel struck a wooden box that had nearly rotted out. The metal hinges and hasp were about all that was left of it. I thought I had discovered a fortune! Boy, did that ever turn out to be wrong!! There were 2 jars and an old journal in the box. The jars had some strange writing and symbols on them. While getting the jars out of the ground, I dropped one and it broke. A black mist or something seeped out of it.
UPDATE 5 March 2004
“Sat Feb 21, 2004: Satanic Toaster (Museum of Hoaxes)
In the tradition of the Ghost In A Jar, but not as funny or clever, we recently had a Satanic Toaster offered for sale on eBay. The toaster first began to burn the toast. Then, when the seller tried to throw it away, it mysteriously reappeared back in his kitchen. Like I said, a pale imitation of the ghost in a jar. ”
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UPDATE 15 March 2004
Possessed Can of Coke on Ebay »