Month: May 2005

Blather has a job for you. We want you to make a virtual donation/suggestion for objects for a museum exhibition which will be shown 200 years from now. So, what would you donate? Ok. Here's the idea. You have been asked by a group of historians, to suggest one object for inclusion in a collection for an exhibition which will be put on display 200 years from now. The object can be anything you like, big or small, cheap or expensive. To enter your object, tell us what it is, post a link to a picture of it (if you can find one)and most importantly, tell us why you think it should be included. There's no right answer. There's no wrong answer. Examples To give you an example, I asked this question of a group of teenagers some years ago. One of the girls suggested a bottle of hair-dye, because...

Rainbow Warrior, Auckland

Right, time for me to vanish again. This time, I'm back out into the middle of the ocean,off the coast of New Zealand, on the Greenpeace flagship, the Rainbow Warrior. The blog is here » - and I'll be updating it every day. Here's a picture I took t'other night from the deck of the RW in Auckland. © Greenpeace/Dave Walsh Rainbow Warrior sets out to save deep sea life Fish and Chips on the high seas: Activists defend deep sea life in New Zealand Huge piece or coral dragged up by a trawler


Jasus, I'm famous! Saturday's Irish Times had an interview with me - mostly talking about extra-blathery activities, like weblogging for Greenpeace... The article, by Adrienne Murphy, was in the Saturday's weekend section. It's online, but subscription only. Scroll down to see the article... For those of you who have seen the article in the print version, here's the Greenpeace weblogs: Mysteries of the Deep: Tasman Sea 2005 » Mysteries of the Deep: North Atlantic 2004 » Mysteries of the Deep: Tasman Sea 2004 » Save the Reindeer Forests (Finland) » GMO France » Here's the article... Adventure as a way of life The Irish Times, May 21 By Adrienne Murphy Dave Walsh has done what many of us have only dreamt about, dropping the boring day job and heading off to the great outdoors for something a little more exciting, writes Adrienne Murphy. Over the past 12 months, Wexford-born Dave...


Archaeologist of the damned and guest writer ender, gives us the lowdown on what's really happening up at the hill of Tara... Regardless of the pros and cons of the situation, this decision means both sides lose. Legal objections are going to tie up progress for years to come. (In Ireland, and then, failing that...the European courts). Plus the added huge expense (on top of building it in the first place!) of contracting out the significant excavation work, entailing significant numbers of archaeologists, to eventually excavate the route. We know through geophysical survey, that there are at least 26 ‘sites’ of archaeological interest along the contentious part of the proposed route. (14.5km section from Dunshaughlin to Cannistown.) Sod And that’s without lifting one sod of earth. Whenever they do, you can conservatively bank on doubling that number. Each new 'site' prolongs the time, effort, and finances of the whole project....