Canada completes main human cull
A slight shift in perspective... from, inverting the news since 1997... Canadian seals have called a halt...
Blather’s Express Tours. See Ireland at High Speed!
By our satirist-at-large, Elimare... Welcome to Blather's Express Tours, the quickest way to see the sights! BET is... under new ownership
Dave Walsh decides its time to move on... Well folks, this is it, the final curtain. After 7...
Dogs in Space
Walsh sends the family dog into space... My parents have a dog. She is an astronaut. Say hello...
Irish Prime Minister Bertie Stalked by Hairy Students
Hirsute stalkers are driving the Taoiseach spare! God, I love living in a democracy! I really do! I...
Blather Recalcitrant
Preventing prechxmature ejacxabulation 24 hoors a daye! Busaras, head honcho over on received a spam with the...
The Third Policeman’s Sauna?
I was re-reading Flann O'Brien's The Third Policeman all week. All of a sudden, police stations get weird......
Paw, I Got Me A GoogleWhack
Sick fish and a pasted-in blatherboy. Doncha love that Google, eh? A gentleman by the name of Andrew...
Tractors of TERROR
The latest craze in Northern Ireland - crashing tractors! Here's Monday's surreal news of the day... Young farmers...
97% evil
It's offical, is 97% evil! is proud to announce that we've been awarded a '97% evil'...