Headless ghost in high-heels returns to haunt Aberdeen theatre


Finally, a decent haunting to get our teeth into. ‘Jake’, a spirit who was said to have haunted His Majesty’s Theatre in Aberdeen would seem to have decided to get ‘bumpy in the dark-with-it’ again after a twenty-odd year hiatus.

‘A headless male ghost said to have once stalked a famous Aberdeen theatre appears to have returned – in high heels. “Jake” was blamed for any minor mishap to hit productions at His Majesty’s Theatre for decades. A refurbishment in 1982 got rid of much of the old stage equipment and apparently Jake with it. ‘

Jake on the BBC
Jake on the Paranormal Database

Damien DeBarra was born in the late 20th century and grew up in Dublin, Ireland. He now lives in London, England where he shares a house with four laptops, three bikes and a large collection of chairs.