The Dubliners: A Pint Of Plain Is Your Only Man
When things go wrong and will not come right, Though you do the best you can, When life...
Kevin Myers’ Downfall
'Hope the Judas cunt chokes on his modh coinnÃolach...' Kevin Myers' Downfall from Myles na gCapailÃn on Vimeo.
War and the Noble Savage
A fascinating new book from blatherbot Gyrus. I attended his talk on this a few weeks back and...
War is Peace
'It would probably be accurate to say that by becoming continuous war has ceased to exist. The peculiar...
Let Us Now Praise Awesome Dinosaurs!
(image by fd, used under a Creative Comons License) From Leonard Richardson on Strange Horizons: "I want to...
‘Corporatism is Just a Closed Source Operating System’
From Doug Rushkoff, author of the recent Life Inc.:
Douglas Rushkoff’s ‘Life Inc.’
A short video explaining the core concepts behind Doug Rushkoff's new book Life Inc.
J.G. Ballard, 1930-2009
Sadly, one of the last great subversive writers, J.G. Ballard, has died. Read the news in He...
‘Picnic at Hanging Rock’ solution
I was browsing the modern interweb when I noticed that my watch had stopped. I found myself at...
Fortean Times review of A Load of Blather
Postal ambiquities, house moves, and international travel not withstanding.. last week my missing January edition of Fortean Times...