Anyone else seen her? Ok. I was in the centre of Dublin last week and spotted that old dame, affectionately known as 'the Mad Dancing Lady'. Dubliners will know what I mean. Please use this space to post regular updates. In fact, we here at Blather will pay good cash for a photo.* *not. sorry - we spent the last of the cash on beard trimming devices.


The woman known as Britain's "cannabis gran" explains why she eats marijuana five times a day - and why she'll keep on doing it despite the threat of a jail term. More from the BBC


The European Commission is exposing EU countries to the risks of genetically modified organisms.. Greenpeace has sed the European Commission of exposing EU Member States to the irreversible risks of genetically engineered (GE) crops and of undermining safety regulations within the EU. While the Commission claims that Monsanto's GE maize (MON810) (1) has been monitored for environmental risks and that it meets the requirements under current EU legislation, Greenpeace investigations show that no comprehensive monitoring plan exists. Greenpeace calls for the EU Member States to take initiatives to stop the commercialisation of Monsanto's GE maize. "The first time a GE...


On Saturday 12 February, 73 year old Sister Dorothy Stang, an American nun and Brazilian citizen who defended the Amazon national heritage from land grabbers was cruelly assassinated. From Greenpeace: Sister Dorothy had lived for more than 30 years in the Amazon and had dedicated nearly half her life to give a voice to rural communities, defending their land rights, and fighting for a development model that would not result in forest destruction. She tirelessly insisted that a strong presence of the Government in the remote regions of the Amazon was necessary. The murder of Sister Dorothy was a tragedy,...


From Lizardfish: Stop the capture of dolphins! from our good friend Lizardfish Dear friend, Dolphin Oasis has appealed the recent refusal for their proposal to construct a dolphin enclosure at the Wyndham Resort in Southampton, Bermuda. Their proposal has changed but they still want to dredge the sea floor of Sinky Bay to make way for the enclosure and they still want to bring more dolphins to Bermuda to be held in captivity for the enjoyment of people who are unaware of the damaging effects, which these dolphinariums have. ONCE AGAIN I NEED YOUR HELP IN OPPOSITTION TO THIS PLAN...


For anyone who heard Blather's Dave speaking on Dublin's Spin 1038 FM today... Some of the stuff I was talking about: Recent Lake Monster shenannigans in Norway » My report from the 1998 debacle in Norway » Big cat sightings in Ireland » Antelopes in Wexford »


Booze and weirdness, Monday June 14th, 2004! Update May 6th Dublin Fortean Society Meeting #3 - Monday June 14th, 2004, in the Lord Edward Pub, across from Christchurch Cathedral... Earlier... On April 3rd, 11 of us had a madcap dash around Co. Meath, visiting Newgrange, and other sites. On April 5th, fourteen forteans went-a-drinking in the Lord Eddy. That's an increase of almost 300% on the five we had last time. At this rate of increase, we should have around 91,854 attendees by the December meeting. We had a special guest, the honourable and erudite Gordon Rutter, of the Edinburgh...