Month: February 1999


As mentioned in *Good Puzzle* a couple of weeks back, there was a spate of Dublin UFO sightings *predicted* for 0500 hrs on January 30th. Dare we admit it, but this insomniac was indeed awake at the time (after having spent the evening lurching about the streets). We saw nothing in the sky other than the manner of thing that one expects to see (stars, clouds, aircraft, etc.), and as we didn't hear tell of any radio, TV or newspaper reports afterwards, Blather would only be *thrilled* to hear news to the contrary... +Big Lights Out West+ A report of a rather bizarre nature (as if anything we report *isn't* bizarre) has come to us by way of the noble folk at Astronomy Ireland, originating with a certain Paraic O'Loughlin. He tells us that on December 27th 1998, he was motoring to Castlebar, Co. Mayo, along with three fellow passengers....