That “Dead Alien” Footage
It's from Russia. It's on Youtube. It couldn't possibly be a fake. Via
Friday Choon: EARGASM! The Jurassic Park Theme: 1000% Slower
The Jurassic Park theme. Just really, really slowly. Thanks to a piece of software called Paulstretch. It stretches...
UK Air Ministry UFO Sightings Chart, 1969
Click for large version. Image from UK Air Ministry Flickr stream, CC licence.. UK Air Ministry UFO Sightings...
Artwork sent to the UK Air Ministry depicting UFO sighting experienced by a member of the public, 1975
Image from Flickr Commons, CC licence. Artwork sent to the UK Air Ministry depicting UFO sighting experienced by...
Open Minds TV 2010 UFO News Year in Review
From Open Minds TV. Open Minds TV Previously Blather on UFOs
Friday Choon: Robbie Robertson’s ‘Somewhere Down the Crazy River’
"Take a picture of this The fields are empty, abandoned '59 Chevy Laying in the back seat listening...
The Cunt Colouring Book
Found in a second-hand San Francisco bookstore. Read the whole book here.
Queen to appoint Avram Grant as Prime Minister
Avram Grant meeting with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II this morning Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, reportedly furious...
Gordon Brown leaves “parting gift” at 10 Downing Street
Prime Minister Gordon Brown pictured this morning at Downing Street In a move anticipating a possible Tory challenge...
Medieval Dublin in 3D
Hat-tip to Digital Urban