The adventures of Jasper the dimension-hopping archaeological cat (Volume 3, Episode 1)
Jasper, it would appear, has found his way back to Earth. And has been up to no good......
A Tale of Two Presidents
So. They 'got him' as Bremner so eloquently put it... Indeed, it would appear that after thirty years...
The Blather Moving Statues Xmas Appeal
We need your help. No, honestly... A recent Shitegeist entry deals with the apparent resurgence of a very...
The further adventures of Jasper the space/time travelling cat (Volume 2. Episode 3)
Jasper meets a chinaman. In space. Further to our previous reports regarding Jasper's interstellar amblings, we (and indeed...
The further adventures of Jasper the space/time travelling cat (Volume 2. Episode 2)
Volume 2. Episode 2. Jasper goes to Jupiter. As you do... Well now. Having had a quick jaunt...
Michael Moore’s “Dude where’s my country?”
The great American satirist returns. And guess who he´s bowling for this time? The master returns. "I have...
The further adventures of Jasper the time travelling cat (Volume 2. Episode 1)
Volume 2. Episode 1.... A crackle and a splurt. A hiss and a wheeze. A whine and a...
The adventures of Jasper the time travelling cat (Volume 1. Episode 8)
Volume 1. Episode 8. Hope. We had almost given up hope... Indeed, so deep was our despair at...
Lost in a Good Book by Jasper Fforde
With the tragic loss of Douglas Adams, many have despaired of ever being so simoultaneously amused, educated and...
Charlie McCreevy, Globalisation and the Rise of the Machines
What do McCreevy, Arnie and a load of robots have in common? Arnold Schwarzenegger, fresh from machine-gunning his...