Irish Round Towers Go Radio Gah Gah
Every now and then, the Internet brings forth startling discoveries and staggering examples of original research bordering on...
A Load of Blather: Unreal Reports from Ireland and Beyond – €9.99
" provides a low-key, entertaining weirdness unmatched elsewhere" - Fortean Times Read the full review here (pdf) »...
Nasa finds Planet X
For once Jasper has been beaten to it... The object has been named Sedna, after the Inuit goddess...
Bill Hicks
On February 26 1994, William Melvin Hicks, better known as Bill, the man who I consider to be...
The Plan for an Irish Spaceship
Secret documents suppressed for 30 years have revealed that America planned to launch their space project from the...
The adventures of Jasper the dimension-hopping archaeological cat (Volume 3, Episode 1)
Jasper, it would appear, has found his way back to Earth. And has been up to no good......
Deep In the Woods: Mr. Slaphead reports from the Blather trip to Massys Woods, Dublin
One of the few survivors of the Ghost Hunt 2003 speaks out! By Mr. Slaphead It wasn't the...
Fucking Magic: Sex Magic and Ritual Lovemaking
daev waves his wand and comes clean about ritual sex... (First published as 'Could it be Magic?' in...
Almanacs of TERROR: Reference Books of Mass Instruction
Out with the old, in with the new. Dangerous magazines for sale! As the annual arbitrary feast of...
Feck Off! A Blather Primer to Irish Slang
Getting to grips with Hiberno English at home and abroad... An earlier incarnation of this article appeared on...