Norwegian music
Mu: Acoustic Laptops, Charles Hayward and Ergocracy
Bored, bored, bored of people making electronic music "on their laptops"? Then welcome to the iFolk, the new...
Supporting American Music Club
On Friday 29 February my band Dacianos supported American Music Club at the venue called John Dee (yeah...
Playing in Someone Else’s Band
Pictured: Marie and Ida (cello) at the soundcheck at Dattera til Hagen. Recently I've been playing in someone...
Unni Løvlid
It was a rainy Sunday evening in may. A friend and I took the train deep into the...
I Was A Chinese Free Improviser (again)
Well, this time there was only one Chinese musician: Li Tie Qiao. The other two were Norwegians, Kai...
From the Bosom of Mother Hackney
This week I introduced yet another band to the Norwegian public. Morning Bride are an American/British 5-piece based...
Nils Økland live at Sound of Mu
I always hoped this would happen! Nils Økland, hardingfiddle player, came to our little place and played a...
Good Norwegian Music! (part 4)
Solveig Slettahjell Slow Motion Quintet Pixiedust (Curling Legs, 2005) An album of straightforward jazz songs sung by a...